Thursday, July 23, 2009


I am working my tail off.

And seeing NO results.

I tried on a skirt this morning. It used to fit. It is too tight.


I did 45 minutes on the elliptical last night and ten on the bike. Plus a lot of leg exercises.

When do I get to start losing weight?

I have started tracking what I eat on the Daily Plate. Maybe this will help? Or my mom suggested Weight Watchers. Maybe it's time. I want to lose 15 lbs. That's a lot.

My sweet fiance suggested maybe we should meet with a trainer. Maybe we should.

Sigh. Sorry for the vent. I'm just extremely frustrated...


  1. I am doing Weight Watchers online! It is really working all of the have to follow it cheating! In the past two weeks I lost two pounds. I also think that when you start working out so much you build muscle so it won't reflect in your weight...only I am sure you are more toned!

  2. Weight Watchers! I use it for meals...and to monitor my weight..i love how easy it is to use. I would also start with a trainer..then you aren't wasting time at the gym! I did this..and my workout is much more efficient and zero'd in on the problem areas!

  3. Weight Watchers is AMAZING I have lost 35 lbs on it! The best way to start is the meetings though, they really give you something online can't.
    I'm only a few posts in but unless you are counting calories and burning you won't see the results as fast as you want. It takes so much longer to actually burn the calories that to consume them. Check out my blog there is a post about donuts you may like.
